As we have seen, the Bible contains human errors in morality and science. These errors cannot issue from an all-knowing, perfect being. Thus, the Bible must be a more human work than divine. The Bible seems to gloss over statements of enormous import without going into detail about all the questions we are left desperate for an answer for. For example, who can make sense of 1 Corinthians 11:3-16 without knowing the ancient, pre-scientific reasoning that Paul was using? Or can any person fully understand the letter of Romans? Certainly, no two people can agree on Romans. The Bible doesn’t answer all life's questions by a long stretch: What is the purpose of the book of Numbers, for example, if God could be answering our more pressing questions? It seems more likely that the Bible was ancient man's best attempt to define God, rather than the revealed, inspired word of God. The Bible certainly contains ideas which I can imagine God agreeing with, but I think considering its errors...